VL-800 Touch PC 22"-55" with or without PC

VisionLine Digital Signage Displays, All-in-One Touch screens, Selvbetjeningsterminaler og Mini industri PC'er

VL-800 Touch 22″-55″ – With optional PC integration

  • Windows PC (optional) – Read more
  • Ultra slim design
  • Rugged metal enclosure with aluminium edge
  • Glass-to-edge design – easy to clean
  • No visible dashboard
  • Multitouch with swipe and zoom (PCT)
  • VGA, HDMI and USB access
  • Wi-Fi and LAN
  • 24/7 application
  • 3 year warranty

The VL-800 series is a unique touch screen that, as something very special, can offer a dual solution. This is a touch monitor which, via an OPS module, can be expanded to be an all-in-one touch PC with Windows. This makes this touch screen incredibly flexible. In addition to the customized option to insert PC module, this display also has the option of connecting your own external PC.

The VL-800 is quality assured with a 3-year warranty and suitable in public environments.
Wide format sizes: 32″, 43″, 50″ and 55″.

24/7 for 70,000 hours

These touch screens are designed for continuous use in public spaces and can run 24/7 for more than 70,000 hours. Due to commercial quality components and strict quality control, this monitor provides a cost-effective and reliable solution for many years.

24/7 i mere end 70.000 timer Disse touch skærme er designet til kontinuerlig brug i offentlige rum og kan køre 24/7 i mere end 70.000 timer. Grundet komponenter af kommerciel kvalitet og streng kvalitetskontrol, yder denne touch skærm en omkostningseffektiv og pålidelig løsning
Tablet Look
Den stilfulde kant-til-kant glasflade, de afrundede hjørner, aluminiumsramme med unik konkav fordybningsprofil og en tynd sort kant giver et fængslende tablet-lignende look. Det beskyttende hærdede glas og kabinettet i blødt stål øger også skærmens holdbarhed, hvilket beskytter LCD-panelet og andre interne komponenter mod potentiel skade i offentlige rum

Tablet look

The stylish edge-to-edge glass surface, rounded corners, aluminum frame with unique concave formwork profile and a thin black border provide a captivating tablet-like look. The protective tempered glass and steel case also increase the durability of the screen, which protects the LCD panel and other internal components from potential damage in public spaces.

Ultra responsive

Here you never have to press several times or wait for a tap to register. The display is super sensitive and detects all taps and movements across the entire screen quickly and efficiently.

Ultra responsiv interaktivitet
Optimal følsomhed og hurtig respons sikrer, at brugerne får en positiv oplevelse.
Med VL-800T skal man aldrig trykke flere gange eller vente på at et tryk registreres. Touch skærmen er super sensitiv og registrerer alle tryk og bevægelser hen over hele skærmen
Ideel til integration
Med monteringsbeslag inkluderet uden ekstra omkostninger, kan denne fleksible løsning monteres i enhver kiosk, bord eller skab. Beslaget har også mikrojustering for at muliggøre flush-fit overfladeintegration

Ideal for integration

With mounting brackets included at no extra cost, this flexible solution can be mounted in any kiosk, table or cabinet. The bracket also has micro-alignment to enable flush-fit surface integration.

Built-in speakers

Take your digital signage solution to the next level by adding sound using the two integrated slimline speakers.

Indbyggede højtalere
Tag din digitale skilteløsning til næste niveau, ved at tilføje lyd ved hjælp af de to integrerede slimline højttalere
PCAP Touch Technology
Den brancheførende PCAP-teknologi giver en problemfri oplevelse til brugerene. Med slankt kant-til-kant glas, overlegen optisk kvalitet og op til ti berøringspunkter, kan brugere zoome ind/ud, swipe og lignende, svarende til ved brug af smart phones.

Pcap touch technology

The industry-leading PCAP technology provides a seamless experience to users. With slim edge-to-edge glass, superior optical quality and up to ten touch points, users can zoom in/out, swipe and the like, similar to when using smart phones.

Super sharp IPS display

The eye-catching bright IPS display ensures incredibly high image quality, stunning colors, true-to-life color depth, and a wide viewing angle of 178°.

Super skarpt IPS-display
Det iøjenfaldende lysstærke IPS-display sikrer en utrolig høj billedkvalitet, fantastiske farver, naturtro farvedybde og en bred betragtningsvinkel på 178°
Tilslut eksterne enheder 
Tilslut disse alsidige touch skærme til eksterne kilder, såsom en tredjeparts pc eller medieafspiller, ved hjælp af HDMI- og USB-indgangene til at køre den ønskede software

Connect external devices

Connect these versatile touch screens to external sources, such as a third-party PC or media player, using the HDMI and USB inputs to run the desired software.

Plasma coating on the screen

A special coating makes the glass front more resistant to fingerprints and creates a more agile movement across the screen.
